I'm Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson, a mathematician, postdoctoral researcher, programmer, system administrator, photographer and amateur musician.
I got my Fil.Mag. (M.Sc.) in Mathematics at Stockholm University in 2005. I got my doctorate at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany, in 2008. Since then I have been at Stanford, the University of St Andrews, KTH and the Jozef Stefan Institute as a postdoctoral researcher. For further academic merits, please see my academic homepage.
Technical merits, please see below.
My photographic output may be seen on my linked Flickr feed, or on my photo blog. I'm particularly proud of my portfolio.
My education is within pure mathematics, however I have been deeply interested in computers and in computational problems throughout. I have been active in programming, software design, system administration since my early teens, and continuously keep learning more.
Programming and Software Design
Platforms and languages I have worked on professionally include:
- C and TI DSP Assembler: high speed arithmetic for cryptography in cell phone firmware.
- C: software design, implementation and integration for a cryptographic library compliant to the PKCS standards.
- C++ and MFC: GUI programming for Windows support software for cell phone features.
- Java: the jPlex computational mathematics system, including some GUI programming, and some high performance mathematics programming.
Functional Programming
Modern functional programming is one of my current interests. Apart from teaching the mathematics of Haskell, I have also worked on several software projects.
- Operads: a Haskell package for computing Gröbner bases of operads. Distributed on Hackage.
- DPH MG Gröbner: an attempt, in progress, to produce parallel and distributed computation of Gröbner bases using Sage, MPI, SQL and Python.
Web Programming
I have some experience building web applications and webpages.
- The entire back-end of the PrimaLatina latin teaching system run by Stockholm University. Designed and built on a Linux server running Apache, MySQL and PHP.
- A course evaluation system for Unga Forskare Stockholm. Built on Ruby on Rails, allowing easy customization of the questionnaires in use.
- Wordpress installation and maintenance: my own blog running on Wordpress with the LaTeXrender plugin for mathematical formulae.
- The current homepage of my workgroup at Stanford. Built on Django and PostgreSQL in order to use the Django administration interface for shared administration of the webpage.
- The conference webpage for the ATMCS conference 2010.
I'm comfortable with Apache, MySQL, PostgreSQL, PHP, Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Wordpress, HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, CSS 2 and 3.
System administration
For many years, I have administered the web presence and email handling for my family on the server you read this page from. This includes a linux installation, with some backup solutions; a Postfix mail server with SpamAssassin filtration handling several virtual domains with both local accounts and forwarding; an Apache server running a number of virtual subdomains, PHP, Django, Wordpress, SSI; MySQL and PostgreSQL.
The largest part of my non-academic employment has been in software design of cryptographic security systems. I have worked on implementation and integratation of PKCS # 11, 13 and 15, and worked with PlaysForSure standards compliance.
Other activities
- Long-time member of Unga Forskare Stockholm, with popular science radio programs at RadioUFS, and co-organization of several youth science camps and activities.
- Co-organized several academic conferences: Junior Mathematical Congress 2004 and 2008, European Congress of Mathematics 2004.